Baseline wrist inclinometer measures range of motion of the wrist along all axes. To use have patient grasp inclinometer handle; turn dial until scale reads 0; set first tab, take joint through range; set second tab, read range traveled directly from dial.
    Gravity Inclinometer is used to measure range-of-motion (ROM). Place inclinometer near joint to be measured; turn dial until scale reads 0; take joint through its range; read range traveled directly from dial. Some neck and back measurement protocols require the simultaneous use of 2 inclinometers.
    Universal inclinometer is used to measure range-of-motion (ROM). Instrument available with clip to fasten inclinometer to subject, or headband.
    Performance attainment spinal and ROM assessment tools come standard with instructions and carry case.
    Dualer IQ Pro inclinometer makes for fast and easy spine and extremity range of motion measurements. Stores up to 19 tests with 6 repetitions each. Can simulate many goniometer range of motion techniques.
    Acumar inclinometer is used for measurement of range of motion (ROM).
    Activforce 2 provides real-time strength and range of motion measurements to quantify patient progress in applications such as physical therapy and muscle rehabilitation.