Baseline® measurement

About the Baseline® brand

Baseline® measurement instruments have been used by orthopedists, therapists, FCE administers and professors since the 1980s. Many of you who have received therapy after an injury have probably had your progress tested throughout your rehabilitation with a Baseline® measurement instrument.

The product line includes instruments to measure strength, range-of-motion, sensory perception, body measurements and more. Many Baseline® instruments are manufactured in the USA and carry the CE mark for sale outside the USA.

The Baseline® product category

Below is a listing of some Baseline® products. Select a category link to learn more.

Baseline® products

Baseline® wrist inclinometer measures range of motion of the wrist along all axes. To use have patient grasp inclinometer handle; turn dial until scale reads 0; set first tab, take joint through range; set second tab, read range traveled directly from dial.
Damage resistant, portable monofilaments detect changes in neurological status. Ideal for screening for peripheral nerve impairment. Monofilament retracts into protective case when not in use.
For testing static and dynamic one and two-point discrimination. Set includes two disks that quantify innervation density from 1 to 25 mm. Useful as a postoperative therapeutic aid for desensitization and home programs following nerve repair, graft and innervated tissue damage. Set includes storage pouch and instructions.
Measures the degree of rotation of a deformity of the back. Use it to screen which persons to refer for further medical evaluation. The product is 3.5" x 7.5" and comes with a storage pouch.
Hand-held body fat analyzers produce a body fat percentage reading without having to pinch skinfolds.